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您所在的位置:首页 战争片 1812:枪骑兵之歌




类型:冒险 历史



更新:2020-03-09 00:03:42

简介:The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon"s secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General K…
The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon"s secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General Kutuzov (Head of Russian forces), thanks to a young nobleman Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov joint to the the regiment of Russian lancers, and finds new friends like Lieutenant Gorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. After the terrible battle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpected adventures...