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类型:军旅 言情



更新:2020-03-12 14:06:56

简介:Sky1电视台隆重推出,根据前英国空军特勤队SAS成员Chris Ryan同名畅销书改编的剧集strike back,由Richard Armitage和Andrew Lincoln领衔主演。…
Sky1电视台隆重推出,根据前英国空军特勤队SAS成员Chris Ryan同名畅销书改编的剧集strike back,由Richard Armitage和Andrew Lincoln领衔主演。2003年伊拉克战争前夕,Porter率领一队特种兵,在巴士拉的心脏地带进行一次大胆的营救人质行动。对他和...Collinson,这最终演变成一次损失惨重的行动。事后Porter心怀内疚多年,难以自处。直到一次机会出现,他得以返回伊拉克,重整旗鼓。形同陌路多年后,Porter和Collinson的人生再次交汇...三个独立故事分别发生在伊拉克、津巴布韦、阿富汗和巴基斯坦地区,总共6集。

Afghanistan: Part TwoPorter is sent to Afghanistan to find a computer hacker who has cracked the British army's missile guidance codes. The hacker has successfully found a way to redirect missiles to strike American forces.

Afghanistan: Part OnePorter is sent to Afghanistan to find a computer hacker who has cracked the British army's missile guidance codes. The hacker has successfully found a way to redirect missiles to strike American forces.

Zimbabwe: Part TwoA sniper attempts to kill the President of Zimbabwe. Since there is evidence that the sniper could be British, Porter is sent in undercover to locate the sniper and silence him.