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更新:2016-01-25 15:44:21

简介:It tells the story of Tommy (Robert Naylor), a ten-years-old-and-a-half boy. Because he is prone to have a violent behaviour, Tommy has always been ha…
播放源 西瓜
It tells the story of Tommy (Robert Naylor), a ten-years-old-and-a-half boy. Because he is prone to have a violent behaviour, Tommy has always been handled by social services. However, Gilles (Claude Legault), his social educator, believes that Tommy’s life can be put back on track. Rebellious 10 1/2 year old Tommy (Robert Naylor) becomes a ward of the system after being locked-up in a juvenile detention center, and catches the attention of an unconventional teacher who determines to break through to the troubled child before he becomes a lost cause.