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类型:剧情 爱情



更新:2018-12-25 10:27:59

简介:Tum bin is one of the best movies ever made. It depicts true feeling and true love in such an immaculate way that can not be ignored. This movie can b…
播放源 非凡
Tum bin is one of the best movies ever made. It depicts true feeling and true love in such an immaculate way that can not be ignored. This movie can be an eye opener to all who correlate or define love in terms of bodily pleasure. Every one who has ever loved anyone will surely like this movie. A broken heart will enjoy it even more. All songs of this movie are incredibly good. The songs " Tum bin jiya jaye kase" and "koi faryaad" are amazing. The actress (Sandali Sinha) looks really great. I have almost fall in love with this movie. I have watched this movie more than 20 times. If you haven't watched this movie, then you are a big looser. 本书情意深厚的好邻居却因为儿女的私奔弄的水火不相容。27年后,自尔是安东尼和安加丽的儿子的阿加来到村子,希望可以化解亲人们的矛盾。为了阻止两边长辈不断给自己介绍女朋友的麻烦,阿加谎称自己已经结婚了,更大的麻烦出现了,一个漂亮泼辣女孩出现在阿加面前说自己就阿加的妻子!这是怎么回事?当一切谜底即将揭开之时,又一个意想不到的事情出现了……